How to Use Blackthorn for Health

How to Use Blackthorn for Health

The blackthorn tree is known for its berries, the chief ingredient of sloe gin. These purple berries also have medicinal uses, as do the tree's dark green leaves, white flowers and gray and orange layered bark. Follow a few simple steps to reap the health benefits of this ancient folk medicine.

Things You'll Need:

Blackthorn flowers

Cooking pot



Blackthorn leaves

Blackthorn bark

Blackthorn marmalade or jam

Blackthorn berry elixir


Brew blackthorn flower tea to use as a laxative or diuretic. Place two blackthorn flowers in 16 oz. of boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes. Pour through a strainer. Drink one cup in the morning. Repeat in late afternoon or evening. Realize the health benefits within a day.


Pick blackthorn leaves to make a mouth rinse. Boil four leaves in 16 oz. of water. Skim away the leaves and cool the liquid. It has an astringent effect. Gargle two or three times a day to relieve sore throat and inflamed tonsils. Gargle once a day for general oral health.


Use blackthorn bark to make a nerve tonic. Place one teaspoonful of grated bark in a strainer. Pour through one cup of boiling water. Drink warm or cold to produce a calming effect and restore emotional health.


Eat blackthorn marmalade or jam to reduce indigestion. Spread a teaspoonful or more on bread or a cracker to control stomach discomfort. Keep a jar on the dinner table for use during meals.


Drink blackthorn berry elixir to increase breast milk production. Do this under the supervision of a physician. Take one tablespoonful every six hours until desired results appear.

Tips & Warnings

Blackthorn is available in health food stores as elixir, tea, marmalade or jam, and dried bark.

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should never use blackthorn without first consulting a physician.

Discontinue using blackthorn if signs of an allergic reaction occur including a swollen tongue or throat, difficulty breathing, chest pain and hives.